Abdominoplasty, more commonly known as a "tummy tuck", is a procedure involving the removal of excess fat and sagging skin from the abdominal area to improve the profile of your mid-section. It may also serve to reduce bulging in the abdominal area by tightening lax or separated abdominal muscles that can develop after pregnancy or weight loss. While a tummy tuck creates a flatter, firmer, and more attractive abdominal appearance, it is not to be considered a complete substitute for diet and exercise.

Our skilled and experienced plastic surgeon can recommend which type of abdominoplasty procedure will produce a satisfying and successful outcome of care. Your surgical treatment plan will be developed to achieve the most aesthetically pleasing and natural looking results, while producing the least amount of scarring. While a “full” tummy tuck can address excess folds of skins and roundness that are both above and below the navel, a mini-tummy tuck may be suggested if the only problem is loose, sagging skin below the belly button. Following a tummy tuck procedure, patients find they have not only improved shape and appearance of their bodies, their clothes are fitting better too!

Unlike a liposuction procedure, which only removes excess fat below the skin, an abdominoplasty reduces the excess abdominal skin. In certain cases, both a liposuction and abdominoplasty are recommended to achieve the best cosmetic results.

As with all cosmetic procedures at our office, we will discuss your treatment goals, review your medical history, and determine which cosmetic procedures are right for you.